Lockdown Diaries Page 2
Your Lothian Diaries
Below are a selection of the diaries that have been submitted to us and for which we have the permission to share. If you’ve submitted a diary and would like to see it featured here, please get in touch at lothiandiaries@gmail.com.
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Pat’s video diary, 3rd June 2020
In this video diary, Pat tells us about the relief she felt when the lockdown was imposed, the anxiety she has felt about going out since then, and the concerns she has as we now move into the #NewNormal. She also tells us about some of the ups and downs of being stuck at home.
Shona’s video diary, 4th June 2020
In this video diary, Shona tells us about how her busy retired life – and her contact with her family – was disrupted by the lockdown.
Nicholas’ video diary, 4th June 2020
In this video diary, Nicholas explains how his life has changed since lockdown prevented him from going to school and seeing his friends. He talks about the challenges he has faced in keeping himself fit and entertained, while maintaining his relationships and education.
Adele’s video diary, 4th June 2020
In this video diary, Adele (10) talks about the upheaval that lockdown caused to her daily routine – including how she feels her life isn’t “school enough” compared to before – and the new hobbies and activities that she has picked up. She also talks about the positive effects she feels that the pandemic has had on the environment.
Perry’s video diary, 4th June 2020
In this video diary, Perry, a PhD student, talks about the highs and lows of the lockdown: including the quietness of Edinburgh and being able to walk about, vs. with the demotivation he has felt in his studies.
Ritti’s video diary, 23rd June 2020
In this video diary, Ritti, a doctoral student, tells us about how she and her partner chose the period just before the lockdown to move in together, and the positive effects that this had on them and their experience of the lockdown itself. She also tells us about how her daily routine has changed, including her work, her passtimes and her communication with her family.
Zhou Shuai’s (Adonis’s) video diary, 14th July 2020
In this video diary, Adonis tells us about the activities that he has been doing during the lockdown, including taking online classes, growing his own indoor forest, and learning to act. He also tells us about how the lockdown has brought him closer to his family in China, despite them being physically so far away.
Violet’s audio diary, 29th August 2020
In this audio diary, Violet, who has been in the homeless system for the past 10 months, tells us what it was like for her to be in several different temporary accommodations throughout the pandemic. She also tells about her precarious mental and physical health during this time, and what she has done to try and improve them.
Watch this space for a new video diary, coming soon!